Metadata: Groundwater Composition, Groundwater Geoscience Program

Metadata NAP : more info



Water composition is defined by measuring the amounts of its various constituents; these are often expressed as milligrams of substance per litre of water (mg/L). Sampling methods vary according to the types of analysis. Dataset point: The dataset represents a general description of the sample, including name, ID, type of analysis and lab. It includes numbers describing the results of the analysis and physical properties of groundwater. Time series: The dataset represents a general description of the sample, including name, ID, type of analysis and lab. It includes series of numbers describing the results of the analysis and physical properties of groundwater with associated date. Dynamic values over time at the same sites provides temporal variation data of groundwater composition.
Status:register onGoing
TitleGroundwater Composition, Groundwater Geoscience Program
Date2014-09-29 (register publication)
Date2014-09-29 (register creation)
Edition date
Citation group
register principalInvestigator
NameAlfonso Rivera
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Online Resource
Citation group
register originator
NameEric Boisvert
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543705
Online Resource
Citation group
register custodian
NameFrancois Letourneau
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543826
Online Resource
Citation group
register pointOfContact
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
AddressDelivery point :
City :
Administrative region :
Postal code :
Country :
Online Resource
Presentation formregister mapDigital


This map was created to provide a regional frame of the groundwater composition (quality).


Spatial representationregister vector
Languageeng; CAN
Languagefra; CAN
Character encodingutf8
Thematic categoryinlandWaters
Supplemental information


Specific information related to data distribution
Versionnot applicable


register distributor
NameEric Boisvert
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543705
Online Resource


register pointOfContact
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
AddressDelivery point :
City :
Administrative region :
Postal code :
Country :
Online Resource

Transfer options


Quality description scope :register series


Message Date lineage
Lineage is the description of the sources and steps used to create the current dataset.

General processes Creation of the groundwater composition dataset for Milk River Creation of the groundwater composition dataset for Milk River Creation of the groundwater composition dataset for Milk River Creation of the groundwater composition dataset for Milk River Creation of the groundwater composition dataset for Milk River Groundwater Composition shapefile creation - Nanaimo
Process step Sources
The datasets were extracted from all projects constituting this series.
Groundwater mapping projects.
Groundwater composition concentration data were compiled and converted to dataset, except MIRTAP data, which were collected on the field.
Life Water Drilling Ltd. 2007. Synoptic Groundwater Quality Survey - Data File. Milk River Watershed Council Canada, Milk River, Alberta. Excel Spreadsheet. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 2007.
Stantec, 2002. Regional groundwater assessment of potable groundwater in county of Warner No5, Alberta. County of Warner No5. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 2002.
HCL consultants, 2004. County of Forty Mile No. 8, Parts of the South Saskatchewan River and Missouri River Basins. Regional Groundwater Assessment, Tp 001 to 013, R 05 to 14, W4M. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 2004.
Groundwater composition concentration data were compiled and converted to dataset, except MIRTAP data, which were collected on the field.
Groundwater Information Center (GWIC database), Montana, (2015). Montana's Ground Water Information Center 2015, Consulted online: Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 2015.
Milk River Transboundary Aquifer Project (MIRTAP), (2012-2013). Field work Campaign 2012-2013. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 2012.
HCL consultants, 2007. M.D. of Taber, Part of the South Saskatchewan River Basin. Regional Groundwater Assessment, Parts of Tp 007 to 015, R 12 to 20, W4M. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 2007.
Groundwater composition concentration data were compiled and converted to dataset, except MIRTAP data, which were collected on the field.
Tuck LK, 1993. Reconnaissance of geology and water resources along the north flank of the Sweet Grass Hills, north-central Montana. U.S. Geological Survey.&#823 Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 1993.
Fabryka-Martin J, Whittemore DO, Davis SN, and al., 1991. Geochemistry of halogens in the Milk River aquifer, Alberta, Canada. Applied Geochemistry 6:447-464. doi: 10.1016/0883-2927(91)90044-P. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 1991.
Nolte E, Krauthan P, Korschinek G, and al., 1991. Measurements and interpretations of36Cl in groundwater, Milk River aquifer, Alberta, Canada. Applied Geochemistry 6:435-445. doi: 10.1016/0883-2927(91)90043-O. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 1991.
Groundwater composition concentration data were compiled and converted to dataset, except MIRTAP data, which were collected on the field.
Phillips FM, Bentley HW, Davis SN, and al., 1986. Chlorine 36 dating of very old groundwater: 2. Milk River Aquifer, Alberta, Canada. Water Resour Res 22:2003-2016. doi: 10.1029/WR022i013p02003. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 1986.
Hendry J, Schwartz FW, Robertson C., 1991. Hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of the Milk River aquifer system, Alberta, Canada: a review. Applied Geochemistry 6:369-380. doi: 10.1016/0883-2927(91)90037-P. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 1991.
Hendry MJ, Schwartz FW, 1988. An alternative view on the origin of chemical and isotopic patterns in groundwater from the Milk River Aquifer, Canada. Water Resour Res 24:1747-1763. doi: 10.1029/WR024i010p01747. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 1988.
Groundwater composition concentration data were compiled and converted to dataset, except MIRTAP data, which were collected on the field.
County of Forty Mile (2006, unpublished).Water quality analysis from the 2006 Pump test program; joint project between the County of Forty Mile (Alberta), the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) and Alberta Environment. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 2006.
Milk River Watershed Council Canada. 2011. Synoptic Groundwater Quality Survey - Data File. Milk River Watershed Council Canada, Milk River, Alberta. Excel Spreadsheet. Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 2011.
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, 2015. Groundwater Observation Well Network, Consulted online: Precise date temporal extent is unknown; however the starting date is before 2015.
The groundwater composition shapefile was created from an excel file with the groundwater samples location. The geochemical data from Provencher (2014) were manually added to the excel file. These data designate calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), chlore (Cl), bicarbonate (HCO3), sulfate (SO4) and nitrate (NO3) values. The excel file was then opened in ArcGis and with the tool ""Display XY data"", the data have been visualised. The data were then exported in a shapefile with ""Export data"". To standardize the projection system over all the data, the shapefile was projected in UTM NAD83 - zone 10N with the ""Project"" tool.
Russell, H.A.J., Benoit, N., and J Pisani, J., 2015. Nanoose Bay - Deep Bay Area, Nanaimo Lowland Groundwater Study Atlas, Regional District of Nanaimo, British Columbia; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7877, xxx p. doi:10.4095/xxxxxxxx

Technical details and constraints

File identifier04887d9f-5612-0038-e444-787b5ae0da13
Languageeng; CAN
Character encodingregister utf8
Hierarchical classificationregister series
Metadata standardNorth American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata
Update frequencyregister asNeeded


Metadata are available in those languages (You can use language menu item in the top menu bar to switch language):
Language code Pays Encodage
register Frenchregister Canadaregister utf8

Geographic Reference System

Reference System codeEPSG:4326

Metadata Contact

register author
NameFrancois Letourneau
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543826
Online Resource
register pointOfContact
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
AddressDelivery point :
City :
Administrative region :
Postal code :
Country :
Online Resource