Metadata: 3D hydrostatigraphic model of Milk River Transboundary Aquifer

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The Milk River Transboundary Aquifer (Canada-USA) has been so intensively used over the 20th century that concerns have risen about the durability of this resource since the mid-1950s. To assess the conditions needed for a sustainable use of the aquifer, a comprehensive and unified portrait of the aquifer is needed across its international boundary. The stratigraphic framework and geometry of geological units on both sides of the international border were unified in a three-dimensional (3D) geological model. The Virgelle Member is 0-60 m thick and it subcrops near the border and along both sides of the Sweetgrass Arch. The unified 3D geological model forms the necessary basis for conceptual and numerical hydrogeological models of the Milk River Aquifer.
Status:register completed
Title3D hydrostatigraphic model of Milk River Transboundary Aquifer
Date2015-01-01 (register publication)
Date2015-01-01 (register creation)
Edition date
Citation group
register principalInvestigator
NameAlfonso Rivera
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
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Country : Canada Canada
Online Resource
Citation group
register originator
NameMarie-Amelie Petre
OrganisationINRS - ETE
Online Resource
Citation group
register custodian
NameFrancois Letourneau
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543826
Online Resource
Citation group
register pointOfContact
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
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Online Resource
Presentation formregister modelDigital

Related publication

  • Pétré, M.-A., Rivera, A. and Lefebvre, R. (2015). Three-dimensional unified geological model of the Milk River Transboundary Aquifer (Alberta, Canada - Montana, USA). Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 52(2): 96-111. Pétré, M.-A. (2016). Étude hydrogéologique de l'aquifère transfrontalier Milk river (Canada-USA): modèles géologique, conceptuel et numérique pour la gestion raisonnée de la ressource. Ph.D. Thesis. Québec, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Sciences de la Terre.


The Milk River Aquifer has been the object of many studies throughout the 20th century; however, most of the studies were limited by the Canada - United States border, thus preventing a full understanding of the aquifer dynamics. An integrated portrait of the aquifer is, however, necessary to assess the conditions needed for its sustainable shared use. The objective of this study is to overcome transboundary limitations by providing unified geological and conceptual hydrogeological models of the Milk River Aquifer.


TitleNRCan - GSC - Hydrogeology - Thesaurus
Date2009-01-01 (register creation)
Date2016-12-01 (register publication)
Edition date
Citation group
register custodian
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
Typeregister place
TermMilk River
TitleNRCan - GSC - Hydrogeology - Thesaurus
Date2009-01-01 (register creation)
Date2016-12-01 (register publication)
Edition date
Citation group
register custodian
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
Typeregister theme
TitleNRCan - GSC - Hydrogeology - Thesaurus
Date2009-01-01 (register creation)
Date2016-12-01 (register publication)
Edition date
Citation group
register custodian
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
Typeregister product
Term3D Model
Spatial representationregister grid
Languageeng; CAN
Character encodingutf8
Thematic categorygeoscientificInformation
Supplemental information


Specific information related to data distribution
Versionnot applicable


register distributor
NameEric Boisvert
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
Postal code :
Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543705
Online Resource


register pointOfContact
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
AddressDelivery point :
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Country :
Online Resource

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Message Date lineage
Lineage is the description of the sources and steps used to create the current dataset.

Stratigraphy definition 3D model creation
Process step Sources
The geological data corresponding to equivalent layers in Alberta and Montana needed to be standardised. In particular, specific work on the equivalent members of the Milk River Formation was needed to represent the Milk River Aquifer (i.e., Virgelle Member) in its entirety. The geological units represented in the model are the following (in ascending order): 1) Colorado Group It underlies the entire study area. The Colorado Group consists mainly of dark grey to black bentonitic marine shale. Regional aquitard. 2) Milk River Formation - Telegraph Creek Member The Telegraph Creek Member consists of thinly interbedded sandy shale, siltstone, and fine-grained shaly sandstone. 3) Milk River Formation - Virgelle Member It consists of thick bedded, fine- to medium-grained sandstone with thinly bedded siltstone. The Virgelle Member is not present in southwestern Saskatchewan or central Alberta because it is truncated by the regional unconformity surface separating the Milk River Formation and the Alderson Member. The Virgelle Member massive sandstone is the most important aquifer part of the Milk River Formation and therefore constitutes the Milk River Aquifer. 4) Milk River Formation - Deadhorse Coulee Member This well-defined unit consists predominantly of interbedded shale, siltstone, and fine-grained sandstone with coal seams. 5) Alderson Member In southern Alberta, the Alderson Member is present northeast of the depositional limit of the Virgelle Sandstone. Alderson Member consists of interbedded very fine-grained sandstone, siltstone and mudstone. The Alderson Member is younger than the Telegraph Creek, Virgelle, and Deadhorse Coulee members of the Milk River Formation and is separated from them by a regional unconformity representing a large time gap. It therefore physically overlies and overlaps the erosional edges of the other three members. The upper part of the Alderson Member contains two distinct large sand bodies that form a regional aquifer in southern Alberta. 6) Pakowki Formation/Claggett Shale The Pakowki and Claggett formations consist of thinly bedded, black marine shales, with few sandstone beds. The marine shales progressively thins to zero westward. Where the Claggett/Pakowki Formation pinches out, the Milk River Formation is directly overlain by the Judith River Formation/Belly River Group. Regional aquitard. 7) Belly River Group/Judith river Formation The Belly River Group (or equivalent Judith River Formation) outcrops in a large part of the study area. The dark shale, sandstone, and coal seams of the Foremost Formation are overlain by yellow and grey sandstone of the Oldman Formation and thick sandstones and siltstones of the Dinosaur Park Formation. The Belly River Group/Judith River Formation constitutes an aquifer. 8) Bearpaw Formation and surficial sediments The Bearpaw is made up of dark grey shale. The Bearpaw Formation constitutes a regional aquitard.
Non-deviated wells. Bedrock geological map. Hydrogeological cross-sections.
The various sets of geological data on both sides of the border were standardised (same format, spatial reference and units). The next stage was to unify these data, since the main goal of the 3D geological model is to represent the geology of the study area in a unified way. Thus, the geological data corresponding to equivalent layers in Alberta and Montana needed to be merged. The regional unconformity between the Milk River Formation and the Alderson Member is also represented in the 3D model. In the north, northeast, and east of the study area, the Telegraph Creek, Virgelle, and Deadhorse Coulee members are progressively overlapped by the Alderson Member. The two sand bodies that make up the upper part of the Alderson Member are not represented separately, but they are included in the Alderson Member. Finally, it was decided that the Bearpaw Formation and the surficial sediments would be grouped in one layer in the geological model, between the top of the Belly River/Judith River and the ground level. The 3D geological model was then built with the geological data on both sides of the border harmonized and the stratigraphy unified. The software chosen to build the 3D geological model is Leapfrog Hydro. The approach to build the 3D geological model was to use location data (x, y, z) representing the top of the geological units. Contact surfaces were first created from these data. Then, volumes were obtained from the surfaces for which a chronology had been determined. An initial geological model was built as a reference and for the purpose of comparison before and after unification of the geological datasets from both sides of the international boundary. The two datasets are placed alongside in this reference model, so the geological layers are obviously abruptly separated at the international border. In a subsequent geological model, the integration of detailed logs and the formulation of working hypothesis on the equivalent layers allowed the building of the unified 3D geological model of the study area. The datasets in the four zones of the study area were finally merged to represent each geological unit. Furthermore, the model was adjusted with the help of existing cross-sections for the study area. The cross sections served as a guide and allowed adjustments of the geological surfaces by manual editing within Leapfrog Hydro.
Non-deviated wells. DEM. Bedrock geological map. Hydrogeological cross-sections. Bedrock topography.

Technical details and constraints

File identifier97047660-f096-a3c7-59a0-2b1d36ffc2ff
Languageeng; CAN
Character encodingregister utf8
Hierarchical classificationregister dataset
Metadata standardNorth American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 - Geographic information - Metadata
Update frequencyregister asNeeded


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Reference System codeEPSG:26912

Metadata Contact

register pointOfContact
NameFrancois Letourneau
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada - GSC Quebec
AddressDelivery point : 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage 490, rue de la Couronne, 3e étage
City : Québec Québec
Administrative region : Québec Québec
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Country : Canada Canada
Telephonetelephone voice; 1 (418) 6543826
Online Resource
register pointOfContact
OrganisationGovernment of Canada; Natural Resources Canada; Geological Survey of Canada
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Online Resource